What Should You Avoid Before Laser Skin Resurfacing Treatment?

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Laser skin resurfacing is a leading treatment for men and women who want to improve their complexion and overall appearance. From sun damage to discoloration and acne scars, this solution can help you achieve beautiful skin without invasive surgery in Stuart, FL.

If you're considering laser skin resurfacing, it's important to be aware of anything that can affect your results or increase your risk for complications. The professionals at Spyglass Dermatology can help you prepare for skin treatment and ensure optimal outcomes. Read our guidelines below and call for a consultation today.

How does laser skin resurfacing work?

Laser skin resurfacing treats dead or damaged cells on the outer layers of your skin. The laser stimulates collagen production and causes new, fresh cells to grow. Patients enjoy firmer and smoother skin that glows with health. Spyglass Dermatology uses cutting-edge technology to reduce the appearance of sun damage, discoloration, small wrinkles, and texture issues, like acne scars.

What happens during recovery?

The recovery process for laser skin resurfacing varies depending on the level of treatment and your individual skin type. Patients can return home almost immediately after their laser appointment, but you may have some skin irritation or redness for a short period. Patients can speed up recovery by avoiding sun exposure and keeping their skin clean and moisturized as directed by our team.

What should I avoid before laser skin resurfacing?

Because laser skin resurfacing does make your skin more sensitive, it's essential to take special precautions before treatment. Here's what to avoid prior to your appointment in Stuart, FL:

  • Sun exposure: Sunburns can increase your risk for complications like hyperpigmentation and cause further swelling and irritation. Patients who spend time outdoors should protect their skin by wearing sunscreen.

  • Tanning: Like sun exposure, tanning beds can also lead to a greater chance of hyperpigmentation post procedure. 

  • Heat exposure: Avoid direct exposure to high heat before your appointment. This includes hot baths, saunas, and steam rooms.

  • Medication: You may need to stop certain medications a few weeks before your treatment date. Our clinic can review your current prescriptions and let you know how best to move forward.

  • Cosmetic procedures: Avoid any cosmetic surgeries (such as a facelift) or injections in or around the face until the skin has fully recovered.

  • Makeup: Don't put on any makeup or skin care products the day of your appointment. Our team will remove any makeup before your procedure, so there's no need to wear it.

  • Smoking: Smoking can interfere with blood flow, slow wound healing, and increase your risk for skin problems. Avoid cigarettes before treatment to ensure optimal results.

How many treatments are required?

Patients require several skin treatments to achieve optimal results. Spyglass Dermatology can make recommendations based on your skin type and aesthetic goals. Some people require a few appointments to address sun damage and discoloration, while others have more complex issues. Our trained team can develop a treatment plan that meets your needs.

Prepare for your laser appointment

Skin issues can impact your self-esteem and quality of life. If you're ready to reclaim your complexion, call Spyglass Dermatology for an assessment in Stuart, FL. Our skin care experts are dedicated to delivering the best dermatology treatments and state-of-the-art laser technology along with personalized, compassionate care. We offer a wide range of treatments designed to help you feel comfortable, confident, and beautiful in your skin.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.